When I heard the quote above by Carl Jung, I had a clear idea about what he was talking about. My interpretation of what he said is that unless someone is able to talk about what they have been through, they will end up harming others.
This is not to say that they will end up killing millions of people as they could cause harm in other ways. Undoubtedly, when it comes to ‘evil’ there are many ways that it can manifest.
A Few Examples
Of course, someone like this can kill others, but they can also just make certain peoples lives a misery. They could abuse whoever they are with and, if they have children, they could also abuse them.
If someone has a lot of money and power, they can have a more hands-off approach; using their resources to cause harm and chaos. Seeing people suffer on a mass scale could fill them with pleasure.
Another Factor
To say that someone’s experiences in this life alone will define whether or not they cause harm probably wouldn’t be accurate. It has been said that someone’s genetics and what took place whilst they were in the womb will also play a part.
Still, even if someone is born with certain tendencies, it doesn’t mean that they are destined to harm their fellow human beings. In a conscious society, someone like this would surely receive the right guidance and be monitored so that they are unable to cause harm.
How It plays Out
So if this type of ‘evil’ is put to one side, why would someone cause harm just because they haven’t been able to tell their story? One way of looking at this is that when someone is able to tell their story, it will be possible for them to truly move on from what took place.
This won’t just be a time when they will talk about what they have been through; it will also be a time when they will face and work through the emotional pain and trauma that they experienced. Perhaps they were abused as a child and/or maybe they were bullied whilst they were at school, for instance.
What Often Happens
Whereas when this doesn’t happen, what took will stay inside them, defining how they behave. Like a parasite, what took place may have completely consumed them, or it may just influence their behaviour from time to time.
When it comes to the former, it will be a challenge for them to act as a conscious human being and they will have a closed heart. On the other hand, when it comes to the latter, there can be moments when they just ‘switch off’ and they will most likely justify their behaviour afterwards.
Indirect Revenge
Ultimately, what they went through will be over but they will have another person inside them; a person that is always looking to express itself. The trouble is that this person/self will be filled with rage and it won’t realise that what took place is over.
As a result, the people who had nothing to do with what they went through will be held accountable. They would have gone from being abused to being abusive, and this is often how abuse gets passed on from one generation to another.
Final Thoughts
Taking this into account, this shows how important it is for someone who is mistreated to process what took place. Simply repressing what took place is not the answer; this pain will just build up inside them and control them.
The problem here is that if a society doesn’t teach self-awareness and self-knowledge in the education system or encourage it in general, how is someone who is mistreated going to realise that they need to tell their story, let alone tell it? Their minds defences will protect them from their pain and they will prevent them being able to remember what took place.
This is not to say that they will end up killing millions of people as they could cause harm in other ways. Undoubtedly, when it comes to ‘evil’ there are many ways that it can manifest.
A Few Examples
Of course, someone like this can kill others, but they can also just make certain peoples lives a misery. They could abuse whoever they are with and, if they have children, they could also abuse them.
If someone has a lot of money and power, they can have a more hands-off approach; using their resources to cause harm and chaos. Seeing people suffer on a mass scale could fill them with pleasure.
Another Factor
To say that someone’s experiences in this life alone will define whether or not they cause harm probably wouldn’t be accurate. It has been said that someone’s genetics and what took place whilst they were in the womb will also play a part.
Still, even if someone is born with certain tendencies, it doesn’t mean that they are destined to harm their fellow human beings. In a conscious society, someone like this would surely receive the right guidance and be monitored so that they are unable to cause harm.
How It plays Out
So if this type of ‘evil’ is put to one side, why would someone cause harm just because they haven’t been able to tell their story? One way of looking at this is that when someone is able to tell their story, it will be possible for them to truly move on from what took place.
This won’t just be a time when they will talk about what they have been through; it will also be a time when they will face and work through the emotional pain and trauma that they experienced. Perhaps they were abused as a child and/or maybe they were bullied whilst they were at school, for instance.
What Often Happens
Whereas when this doesn’t happen, what took will stay inside them, defining how they behave. Like a parasite, what took place may have completely consumed them, or it may just influence their behaviour from time to time.
When it comes to the former, it will be a challenge for them to act as a conscious human being and they will have a closed heart. On the other hand, when it comes to the latter, there can be moments when they just ‘switch off’ and they will most likely justify their behaviour afterwards.
Indirect Revenge
Ultimately, what they went through will be over but they will have another person inside them; a person that is always looking to express itself. The trouble is that this person/self will be filled with rage and it won’t realise that what took place is over.
As a result, the people who had nothing to do with what they went through will be held accountable. They would have gone from being abused to being abusive, and this is often how abuse gets passed on from one generation to another.
Final Thoughts
Taking this into account, this shows how important it is for someone who is mistreated to process what took place. Simply repressing what took place is not the answer; this pain will just build up inside them and control them.
The problem here is that if a society doesn’t teach self-awareness and self-knowledge in the education system or encourage it in general, how is someone who is mistreated going to realise that they need to tell their story, let alone tell it? Their minds defences will protect them from their pain and they will prevent them being able to remember what took place.
This news/story/article has not been written/edited by World Media Organization and is sourced from a syndicated feed.