The ‘New Normal’ in education due to the coronavirus lockdown

The Kalyani School

The Kalyani School has been established with the view that education is the soul of the society. It is the kindling of an eternal flame that represents the light of spirit, knowledge and victory.

Teachers, administrators, education organisations, service providers, parents and students throughout the world are facing the unusual ripple impact of the crisis, as educational institutes, and training centres have shut down due to the Coronavirus pandemic. 1.6 billion students out of school in 161 nations. That’s the number of students across the globe who have lost access to proper education due to the lockdown in 161 nations. This amounts to over 80% of the world’s students. Among those 161 nations, India was one of the first countries to announce a complete lockdown. Commencing in the last week of March, the lockdown has been in effect for a little over 2 months now. In these few months throughout the country, the way that students are trained and educated has changed drastically. This has given birth to the ‘new normal’ for education.

What Is The ‘New Normal’
Currently, the schools across the globe are split in two; those which have adopted technology and are using online learning to ensure education for students isn’t hampered. And then, there are many schools which don’t have adequate infrastructure or skills to adopt online learning techniques and methods.
Speaking of the ‘new normal’, many schools have purchased computers for students and teachers, provided broadband connections, training on software, and other measures to ensure students receive the best online education.

The Kalyani School: Going Above and Beyond, to Triumph Over
This Challenge One of the best CBSE schools in Pune, The Kalyani School gives children education the utmost priority. With the support of their highly-skilled staff, they have provided their students with online material that they can use to study, along with conducting live sessions by teachers to clear all their doubts.
Moreover, their staff regularly reaches out to the parents to ensure the students are able to grasp the concepts being taught to them through online platforms. As they started virtual classes almost as soon as the lockdown started, they didn’t face many issues at the start of the new academic year as we had already tested and identified the best tools to use and were well prepared to help our students with online learning. We aren’t sure when the lockdown will be lifted and children will be allowed to run in the corridors of their beloved school or sit next to their friends and learn. However, we know that The Kalyani School doesn’t need a physical set-up to teach, learn or grow. After all, following the lead of their tagline, ‘Akshayam Dnyanam,’ they have an undying quest for knowledge.

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